The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack İzle      search 
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack

Kulakjack, Bubbie ad?nda bir konu?an balinan?n büyüttü?ü iyi ve normal bir çocuktur. O, 'Kaptan Yosun ad?nda bir korsan ikisini kurtarana dek huzurlu ya?am sürdürüyordu ancak Kaptan Yosun Kulakjacke ?ekerden yap?lm?? ?eker Adas? ad?nda bir yer söyler. Maceraperest kaptan hayat?na özenen Kulakjack, Kaptan Yosun ve Bubbie ?eker ve ?eker Adas?'n? ararken kendilerini garip durumlar "talihsizlikler"in içinde bulurlar ve "Macerac? kelimesine çok imrenirler.

ResimSezon SırasıToplam Sırasıİngilizce İsimTürkçe İsimYönetmenYazar
11Several Leagues Under the Sea/Eye Sea YouDenizler Üstünde Bir Dostluk/Seni Görüyorumn/AThurop Van Orman,Thurop Van Orman,J.G. Quintel
22Kid Nickels/The Sweet LifeÇocukla İlgilen/Tatlı Hayatn/AThurop Van Orman,Mike Roth,Pendleton Ward
33Several Leagues Above the Sea!?/That's a Wrap!Denizler Üstünde Bir Dostluk/Harika Bir Ambalaj!n/AThurop Van Orman,Kent Osborne,J.G. Quintel
44Shave and a Haircut... Two Friends!/Cammie IslandShave and a Haircut... Two Friends!/Cammie Islandn/AThurop Van Orman,John Davis Infantino,Kent Osborne
55Skooled/SnarkedSkooled/Snarkedn/AThurop Van Orman,Mike Roth,Pendleton Ward
66Foot Burn/Hand It OverFoot Burn/Hand It Overn/AThurop Van Orman,Brett Varon,John Davis Infantino
77How the West Was Fun/K'Nuckles Is a Filthy RatHow the West Was Fun/K'Nuckles Is a Filthy Ratn/AThurop Van Orman,Mike Roth,Pendleton Ward
88Sittin' Muscle/Knot FunnySittin' Muscle/Knot Funnyn/AThurop Van Orman,Kent Osborne,Mike Roth
99Lookin' for Love (in all the wrong barrels)/Beard BuddiesLookin' for Love (in all the wrong barrels)/Beard Buddiesn/AThurop Van Orman,Mike Roth,Pendleton Ward
1010Pun Times with Punsie McKale/BalancePun Times with Punsie McKale/Balancen/AThurop Van Orman,John Davis Infantino,Patrick McHale
1111Mechanical Genie Island/RevengeMechanical Genie Island/Revengen/AThurop Van Orman,Mike Roth,Brett Varon
1212Oh, Brother/PanfakeOh, Brother/Panfaken/AThurop Van Orman,John Davis Infantino,Patrick McHale
1313Lead 'Em and WeepLead 'Em and Weepn/AThurop Van Orman,Mike Roth,Pendleton Ward
1414Sea UrchinsSea Urchinsn/AThurop Van Orman,Alex Hirsch,John Davis Infantino
1515Whale Times/Love BugsWhale Times/Love Bugsn/AThurop Van Orman,Steve Little,Kent Osborne
1616Sea LegsSea Legsn/AThurop Van Orman,Pendleton Ward,Alex Hirsch
1717No Syrup for Old FlapjacksKulakjack'e Pekmez Yokn/AThurop Van Orman,Patrick McHale,Somvilay Xayaphone
1818Plant ManPlant Mann/AThurop Van Orman,Kent Osborne,Thurop Van Orman
1919Fish HeadsFish Headsn/AThurop Van Orman,John Davis Infantino,Ghostshrimp
2020Something's A-Miss/Gone Wishin'Something's A-Miss/Gone Wishin'n/AThurop Van Orman,John Davis Infantino,Kent Osborne
2323My Guardian Angel Is Killing Me!!My Guardian Angel Is Killing Me!!n/AThurop Van Orman,Pendleton Ward,Alex Hirsch
2424Dear DiaryDear Diaryn/AThurop Van Orman,Patrick McHale,Somvilay Xayaphone

ResimSezon SırasıToplam Sırasıİngilizce İsimTürkçe İsimYönetmenYazar
127Jar She Blows!/Behind the CurtainJar She Blows!/Behind the Curtainn/AThurop Van Orman,Kent Osborne,Sean Szeles
228Shut It/Who's Moochin' Who?Shut It/Who's Moochin' Who?n/AThurop Van Orman,Kent Osborne,Mike Roth
329Over the Moon/100 PercensusOver the Moon/100 Percensusn/AThurop Van Orman,Steve Little,Sean Szeles
430Off with His Hat/K'Nuckles and His Hilarious ProblemOff with His Hat/K'Nuckles and His Hilarious Problemn/AThurop Van Orman,Jackie Buscarino,Kent Osborne
531Fancy PantsFancy Pantsn/AThurop Van Orman,Steve Little,Sean Szeles
632Cuddle TroubleCuddle Troublen/AThurop Van Orman,Kent Osborne,John Davis Infantino
733Who's That Man in the Mirror?Who's That Man in the Mirror?n/AThurop Van Orman,Jackie Buscarino,J.G. Quintel
834Unhappy EndingsUnhappy Endingsn/AThurop Van Orman,Kent Osborne,Kent Osborne
935S.S. K'nuckiesS.S. K'nuckiesn/AThurop Van Orman,Kent Osborne,Sean Szeles
1036Candy CasanovaCandy Casanovan/AThurop Van Orman,Steve Little,John Davis Infantino
1137Down with the ShipDown with the Shipn/AThurop Van Orman,Jackie Buscarino,Kent Osborne
1238Willy!Willy!n/AThurop Van Orman,Kent Osborne,Sean Szeles
1339Bubbie's Tummy AcheBubbie's Tummy Achen/AThurop Van Orman,Steve Little,John Davis Infantino
1440Mind the Store, Don't Look in the DrawerMind the Store, Don't Look in the Drawern/AThurop Van Orman,Steve Little,Kent Osborne
1541Please Retire!Please Retire!n/AThurop Van Orman,Jackie Buscarino,Chris Reccardi
1642Under the Sea MonsterUnder the Sea Monstern/AThurop Van Orman,Kent Osborne,Nate Cash
1743Flapjack Goes to a PartyFlapjack Goes to a Partyn/AThurop Van Orman,Jackie Buscarino,Sean Szeles
1844Low TidingsLow Tidingsn/AThurop Van Orman,Kent Osborne,John Davis Infantino
1945Rye Ruv RooRye Ruv Roon/AThurop Van Orman,Kent Osborne,Jackie Buscarino
2955Wishing Not So WellPek Dilek Kuyusu Değiln/AThurop Van Orman,Jackie Buscarino,Mike Roth